Navigating friendship is hard enough, but when the feelings are more than platonic, it becomes more challenging. Burn it is a story of two best friends away on a camping trip after break-ups and abusive relationships. Writer Lydia Kuelsen is Cam, full of confidence as the organiser of the trip, bursting with plans of where to go and what to do. Stevie McKeon is Jayden, who hates camping, and is not thrilled with the idea of walking to a waterfall. So they day-drink instead.
Revelations of abuse, struggles with mental health and other disorders are made tentatively and are ominous and real. McKeon shows a remarkable emotional range on Jayden’s personal rollercoaster, her descent from loud laughter to quiet fear is heartfelt and uncomfortably relatable. Kuelsen tells more with less – their facial expressions are nuanced, and Cam’s quieter and controlled default gives more room to shock when they’re pushed beyond calm. Together they are a wonderful pairing, with characters that we care for, and we want them to be successful together.