Reviewed by: Stage Whispers
Review by Barry Hill OAM | 03 March 2025

Bloom Ballet Gala is presented by Rogue Ballet which was established by independent dance artist, Mimi Yoshii, in 2024, and comprises classically trained dancers from all walks of life from pre-professional dancers making their debut on the stage, to professional and ex-professional dancers seeking further opportunities to showcase their skills.

The programme consists of 15 items that range from modern ballet to classical and covers a range of abilities. No mean feat on a stage barely large enough to fit the classical repertoire.

Pauline Lee gives a fiery performance in Esmeralda’s variation for La Esmeralda Act 2. Complete with tambourine and a beautiful deep red tutu, Lee’s performance was technically beautiful to watch.

‘Female Factory’ is a modern piece featuring corsets and bloomers with clever choreography. I loved the music and also the choreography by Amy de Halyn.

Mimi Yoshii demonstrated her flawless technique in Gamzatti’s Variation from Bayaderka, Act 2 and made the stage hers with countless pirouettes.

Alex Selivanova’s folk dance, ‘Chicheri’ featured the trademarks we have come to expect from this dance genre, skilfully performed in a red and white folk costume.

‘Eyes of Stone’ is one of the hits of the night with its hints of ‘A Midsummer’s Night Dream’ in costuming and makeup and more than a touch of comedy. Congratulations to Nicola Rose for her choreography, very cheeky.

Bloom Ballet Gala provides opportunities for ballet dancers of varying abilities to perform to an audience and practise their craft. It is an entertaining hour and showcases, local and imported dancers doing what they do best!