‘’Aand, BOOM goes the Dynamite!”
Rolled into The Flamingo to Deadpool doing some expert level crowd work which I think was a really great touch! Helped to set the scene and kept everyone engaged and entertained whilst we were seated.
@marveloustheshow opening number was a very cool albeit a little tongue in cheek ode to Captain America . What can I say ! It was just Amazing! Perfect Choreography executed Perfectly ! Brilliant Costumes ! Excellent soundtrack!!! And the awesome chemistry between the cast just made everything a million times better!!!
The show continued at the same extremely high level right through to the MINDBLOWINGLY good finale!
The performers were brilliant. Not only expert technicians in a range of acrobatic fields, the performers were excellent character actors and were really able to play up the comedy, flirtation or the tension in the some of the scenes!
@marveloustheshow was an EPIC show!!! Acrobatics, Dance, Burlesque, Flirtation, Comedy…. It was all there and it was all AWESOME!!!!
So much love for @marveloustheshow !! Definitely put it on your must see list!