There’s no point shying away from it, this show is about Boobs. Breasts, melons, chest-puppies, tits, gazongas, jugs, norks, hooters… however you want to refer to them, Gemma Caruana has heard it all before, and she’s here to share her take on this much-loved part of the female anatomy.
Sounds like comedy gold! Right? Well, it is, but probably not in the way you think.
Caruana has had a complicated relationship with her breasts since puberty. It’s not their fault, or hers, in fact, the rest of society and especially us men need to take responsibility for the challenges and unfair crap Caruana has had to endure. And in her new show Underwire, she helps us understand why.
I think the main thing to say about this show is… everybody should get along and see it. If you have boobs, large or small, you’ll relate. For those of us without boobs, Caruana’s message to us is important, and delivered with care, but also with assertiveness and excellent humour.
Even the perverts and jerks should join the audience for this one. Not because the show’s about boobs, but because the perverts and jerks especially need to hear Caruana’s tale from her perspective. Don’t get me wrong, this show isn’t about man-bashing, (in fact we get off quite lightly really, especially given our history), so there’s no need to be wary. This is, however, an excellent opportunity for men to get a little understanding of what some women have to go through because of us, and it’s delivered in a safe, funny, and highly entertaining way for everyone to enjoy, regardless of their boob-status.
And her chest doesn’t just provide the subject matter. It also contains a magnificent voice that we get to experience through the occasional musical number. Her passion for musical theatre, combined with excellent comedic delivery, ensures her songs are wonderful to listen to while being hilarious as well. The backing vocals were sometimes too quiet, but that’s about the only fault worth mentioning.
With her clever, hilarious, and heart-felt delivery, it’s easy to see why Caruana was announced as a recipient of the 2025 Adelaide Fringe Festival Fund. Those in the know seem to have faith in Caruana’s talent and potential career, and they’ve put their money where their mouths are. A safe bet in my opinion.
As one of the more reasonably priced shows around, I’d suggest that 2025 is your last chance to see Gemma Caruana before she establishes herself as one of the big-time acts on the Aussie comedy circuit.
And if you love Boobs (your own or other people’s), or people with Boobs, don’t miss Gemma Caruana: Underwire. The show finishes up on March 2, so make sure you don’t miss out.