Reviewed by: The AU Review
Review by John Goodridge | 15 March 2021

Daniel Muggleton leaps out onto the stage at Adelaide Fringe, both noticeable and memorable for his bright red tracksuit. A fine fashion choice? Probably not, but if you Google “tracksuit comedian”, he is on the top of the list. So, it’s perhaps a wise one.

The venue (Gluttony‘s Piglet) is probably not the best available at the Fringe. Muggleton describes it as being a converted shipping container in someone’s back yard. A tarpaulin is the only protection from the elements but thankfully, despite being a little chilly, it isn’t raining – opening night audiences weren’t quite so lucky.

As stand-up comedy goes, in Oh, More Mr White Guy Muggleton’s shtick is as expected. The performance relies on banter between himself and the audience, and it feels as if no topic would be too difficult to engage with. He has, in particular, plenty of observations regarding COVID and Adelaide’s seeming indifference to the virus.

Performance wise, Muggleton is very personable and as well as prising secrets from audience members, he also opens up about his own personal feelings and observations. Spending some time in the UK clearly had an influence on attitudes and ideas about being a foreigner in a different land.

Other topics include the phenomena of office guys needing to get big shoulders – do they need to carry really heavy pens? And while most jokes resonated with the audience, it was interesting to note how jokes about bogans fell a little flat. Muggleton explains, a little exasperated, that we needn’t apologise or feel sorry for them, as they aren’t here at the show enjoying themselves.

Oh, More Mr White Guy is a fast paced show. If a topic resonates, Muggleton will expand on it to its full potential, and if not, he’ll move on. Even hecklers from outside the fence are dealt with simply and, mercifully, quickly.

Despite the difficulties with the open-air venue, Muggleton’s easy likeable personality shines through, and making the show an enjoyable experience.

It’s a fun night out for all, and be sure to grab a souvenir USB loaded with Muggleton’s performance after the show.