Reviewed by: Theatre Now
Review by Alana Kaye | 27 February 2025

Will there be wine? Yes. Will there be jokes? Probably yes. Will there be a bullshit bell? Absolutely yes! 

In Pour Taste: A Comedy Wine Tasting Experience is a chaotic masterclass for wine wankers and wine novices alike. 

(I was pretty quickly singled out as a wine wanker, and proceeded to be roasted periodically throughout the night. Classic.)

Comedians Sweeney Preston and Ethan Cavanagh will take you on a wild off-the-rails ride through 5 wines, accompanied by a wine expert who actually knows what they're talking about. For the majority of their Adelaide run, this expert is Henry Doyle, the self proclaimed “mascot” for local wine brand Unico Zelo. 

While Henry offers awesome actual knowledge on the wines and the industry itself, the other two come up with tasting notes like, “This wine tastes like an older relative at the dinner table has just said something a little bit racist” and “This one tastes like we should knock off early and go to the pub.” Hard relate. 

Preston and Cavanagh are masters at calling back to earlier jokes and bringing the audience into the fold – quite literally. If you look remotely like you own a house, they’ll find you. If you have a moustache and wear a button up, you’ll probably get called onto the stage. And if they find out you’re a doctor… good bloody luck to you. At least that took some of the heat off me. Wine wanker > doctor, I guess! 

The lads are so charming, and they have a fantastic ability to laugh at themselves just as much as the audience. Will you learn about wine? I hope so! But at the very least, you’ll be entertained and maybe traumatised. Oh, and by the end you’ll leave doing the Hot Potato. Just go with it. 

What more can I tell you? Just do yourself a favour and buy tickets to this show. But be quick – they’re selling faster than me chugging a bottle of rosé on a hot day.