The starheART theatre are celebrating ten years! As far as I can remember each Fringe season, they have performed to sell-out shows. This year they’ve gone back in time to perform one of their first shows, DIRTY PEOPLE by Charlie Falkner for which in 2020 they received an Adelaide Fringe Award. A new cast and new venue have given new life to this show for the 2025 season.
Set in a bar/restaurant, Lucy and James are brought together via online dating but from the start the ‘incompatibility’ vibes are evident. James seemed keen but Lucy adamant the date was not going any further romantically made it clear this was “not a date.” This sets off what Dirty People is all about. People who are not nice, refusing to play nice and don’t do nice things, trying to find ways of getting out of their self-inflicted mess.
Laura Colella as the rude Lucy played it fierce and uncompromising, Steven Thai Hoa as the conniving and playfully annoying James was endearing, Vincent Donato as the unsophisticated waiter Ted was charismatic and comical, Jacob Scutella was charmingly brilliant as the angry ‘politically conservative’ rough and tumble subservient boyfriend of famous film actor Tina played by Sarah Baber who relishes as the sassy and entitled megalomaniac.
Dirty People by starheART theatre was a wild ride of intrigue and chaotic mystery, weaving in and out of surprising situations to eventually reveal the connection between each character. Perfectly cast, the audience developed a love/hate relationship with each character which added comedic and suspenseful moments keeping you entertained and invested.
I’d say Grab Ya Tix but it’s a Sold Out season.