Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Tara Forbes-Godfrey | 15 March 2021

A night around the fire with lots of laughs and great music, the only thing missing is Dane’s (Dane Simpson) mum’s fried scones. Fire Drum Fun is a show like no other and I don’t say that lightly. Because let’s face it how often do you go to a comedy show where you laugh until your sides hurt whilst also experiencing some incredible music from singer song writer Rob Edwards who so eloquently sings about a topic we should all talk about more than we do. An added bonus is Dane accompanying Rob on the didgeridoo for a couple of songs and Rob performing a cover of an iconic song that is hands down better than the original. I will honestly spend the rest of my life searching YouTube in the hope that Rob uploads himself performing that cover as it is impossible to describe just how great it is.

Dane’s half of the show involves him retelling jokes that his dad has subjected him to and the widely funny first two lines of the vows he has written for his wedding. This along with what he has been doing for work in his hometown of Wagga and who wants to hire him (Full disclosure this was next level funny for me because I use to live in Wagga and know the pub well) was side splitting down to earth humour that was such a joy to listen to. I honestly want Adelaide Fringe 2022 to include a show by Dane’s dad just called ‘Dads Jokes’ that is on straight after Dane and Rob.

Rob’s half of the show is a mix of Guitar and Piano with songs sung about Stolen Generation and the effects it has had on himself and his family. The lyrics resonate through you and highlight the difference in childhoods that Rob and Dane had whilst also highlighting that these are conversations we should be having. Rob’s talent is quite incredible and I was embarrassed that I had not heard of him before but excited that I had found him through his collaboration with Dane.

I have to admit that when the show ended, before I had even left the room I had searched his name on Spotify in the hopes he had an album and don’t think it is an over statement to say I really hope he wins an award at The National Indigenous Music Awards and ARIA during his career.

Go see this collaboration – you will leave feeling great about your time around the Fire Drum.