Reviewed by: Dystopian circus show Barbaroi
Review by Paul Tomczyk | 15 March 2021

Right from the start, Barbaroi nails the vibe of the dystopian, industrial, dark environment that their theme entails. A wide eyed woman enters the stage but quickly gets surrounded by a gang and joins the acrobatic action.

Even though this show has a few more elements than most circus shows, their skill in the area certainly does not lack! Their industrial and gang components of the show shine through with their props that they cleverly incorporate in each act, and surprise you with how many things they can actually do with them. Ropes entangling themselves, as well each other, industrial poles being dodged and climbed, smaller rings being juggled and caught, larger rings having people thrown threw them, and so much more. At some points these props aren’t needed at all, with the crew just using themselves, showing off their incredible core strength and skills. As with any great circus show, it at times made you think “if they screw this up he’s gonna break his neck” or “that rope better hold the heck onto her”.

Barbaroi is also telling a story at the same time, while we see some well performed snippets of further atmosphere creation of the cyberpunk world that the audience is immersed in. With some knives and death stares being flashed, the scene transforms into more amazing stunts rather than an all out brawl. Other elements like the lighting, makeup and costume, and music is also quite on point, completing the picture of the world they’ve created.

If you’re wondering if Barbaroi has something new to offer in circus, it certainly does. The theme and their performance is a unique blend but is executed so well. Don’t forget to add this one to your show schedule.

Don’t go to the wrong venue on your way though! Barbaroi is at the Wonderland Spiegeltent Festival Hub at Hindmarsh Square (cnr of Grenfell and Pulteney St), which isn’t too far of a walk from the Garden or Gluttony, and an even shorter scooter ride, allowing for dinner at the festival hubs before or after. Get in early for a close seat, or to enjoy a drink during the show at the in-house bar.

$39.5 for a full price ticket or $34 at the midweek treat price, head down there and let Barbaroi take you into their underbelly district for an hour.