Ross Noble is such a household name when it comes to comedy that there’s almost no need for an introduction. His brand of easily distractible humour is iconic, and fans know they’re in for a wild ride. Cranium of Curiosities seems an apt title for the randomness that comes from Ross’s brain, and if his reputation isn’t enough, the inflatable set, featuring a Lunar Park style giant mouth, as well as fish and jack-in-the-boxes all featuring a likeness of Ross’s head, gives the audience a clue as to what they’re in for.
Ghost boobs, Pirate Kanye West and his parrot, animatronic lesbians, and DJ Ethel from the CWA — all topics that probably won’t feature when you go to see it, but that were reoccurring topics in the performance I was at. That’s the beauty of a Ross Noble show; it can and will go in literally any direction and all you can do is strap in and try to keep your sides from splitting. Ross is a master of taking something from the audience — a gesture, a comment, a phone notification — and imagining bizarre scenarios that leave the audience crying with laughter. Nothing and no one are off limits, so go in with the knowledge that you may end up being the focal point of one of his stories.
You may need to book a face massage after the show, because I promise your cheeks are going to hurt by the end of the hour.