Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Daniel Hamilton | 22 February 2025

Mish Wittrup has a lot of heads. Well, let’s say she wears a lot of hats, but the naming headline for Fringe shows is long before the time of actual show completion, and she’s working with a homemade metaphor – an excellent encapsulation of what makes her brand of brash self depreciation so funny.

Starting with the rundown of the google history for herself, tangents through her retail application history with [REDACTED SHOE STORE BRAND], her love and skill with accountancy software, and bewilderment with the concept of Chris Pine, Wittrup is a brash and broad storyteller. As capable at weaving a tweet message to her 16 year old self into the show as she is writing an entire rap about the fact that her boyfriend has the vaguest job in the world – “Consultant”.

What makes Mish work is her commitment to the bit. The show feels “homemade” in the best way – it has a powerpoint that Mish says she can get away with cause it’s “a bit shit” but ALSO includes approximately 40 MINUTES of animations, a fact Wittrup is proud of and also plays on her pride for. I’ve already mentioned her self depreciation, and it’s a strength of her style. She winks to the audience constantly, and they wink back, drawn in entirely by her easy style, that she so quickly contrasts with a loud, brash laugh that she uses almost as punctuation – an exclamation point that drives home the laughter. There was a nervous energy that Mish harnessed to her own gain, using it to sell her jokes, but this is more likely due to this being the first show of her run with this material and its first audience; I can only imagine this show goes from strength to strength.

The biggest tell on the success of a comic is audience reaction, and Wittrup had this audience buzzing. From the moment she walked out to the local Oporto to the concept of moon cups, the audience were belly laughing along with her. No longer the Best Newcomer, now she’s one of the most incredibly capable members of Australia’s Comedy Crowd.