Reviewed by: Upside Adelaide
Review by Libby Parker | 10 March 2021

Performing a show about chronic illness when you have a chronic illness is no mean feat, but Yasemin Sabuncu fights like a champ in her debut Fringe show.

Taking the audience through her journey of Endometriosis, chronic pain and ADHD, Yasemin uses quirks, quips, anecdotes and pop culture references to shine a light on the seven year average diagnosis time for Endo and her struggles finding treatment for her pain and mental health.

Brace yourself for poo stories, tales of healing in Byron Bay, and anecdotes about misdiagnoses that were all too familiar to the members of the audience also living with chronic illness.

Some good laughs and an important message, Yasemin Sabuncu is The Illest and she’s performing at Howling Owl and Rhino Room until March 13.