Reviewed by: The Clothesline
Review by Sheree Foster | 13 March 2021

It is no surprise that pre-school friends Katie ‘KP’ Pierce and Lucy Czerwinski have been in collaboration for several years. They have an ease and comfort around each other that breeds the trust required when being completely and utterly ridiculous together. They are perhaps a little bit silly, a little bit quirky and a little bit random, but this all adds up to LittleBitts being a whole lot of fun.

A combination of improv, stand up and sketch, The Trap Remix is full of surprises, so much so that you may never know what was planned and what was a ‘technical error’. One thing is for certain though, LittleBitts drew me in to their world of hilarity. It is hard to stay serious when watching people have so much fun! At times it felt like we were voyeuristically privy to the world of two friends just goofing around, yet it was this infectious fun that saw their party-for-two become a dance party for the entire room.

Physical comedy is one of the strengths of the show. When combined with quick wit, it quickly deflected any potentially awkward moments. And when combined with cleverly written sketches, Pierce and Czerwinski were at their best. They have a charm and cheekiness that invites you to let loose, leave your judgements at the door and enjoy some fresh comedic talent, even if just for the LittleBitts.