Reviewed by: Adelaide Theatre Guide
Review by Doug Phillips | 13 March 2021

Until 26 Mar 2021

Review by Doug Phillips

Ladies and Gentlemen, are you ready for Leather Lungs? If you’ve seen his shows previously then you may have a chance of being ready, but even still I doubt it.

With one of Australia’s most powerful and beautiful voices, you’d want to know that the venue speakers are insured. Giving this man a microphone is like giving a runaway locomotive a cup of coffee. The Sound Tech is earning his money on this show.

It’s my second year in a row catching Leather Lungs at Gluttony, and the show is a little more polished this time and he himself seems happier. It’s handy that he’s happier, because when he opens his voice up, the audience are soon feeling whatever emotion he wants them to. There are laughs, there might be tears, and you’ll probably spend some of the show with your mouth open, staring at the incredible talent before you.

You’ll most likely want to sing along. Feel free, no-one will hear you.

Awarded a “Best Cabaret” award by the Adelaide Fringe this year, it wouldn’t have been a hard decision for the judges. As far as cabaret goes, Jay Chasland’s Leather Lungs doesn’t tick all the boxes, he stomps all over them.

I’m not an expert on Cabaret or Drag, but this is undoubtedly one of the best cabaret acts I’ve ever seen, and easily the best cabaret act I’ve witnessed in 2021.

Keep your eyes open for where Chasland’s career is heading next. I’ve heard he has some exciting upcoming performance events, which I’m sure will take Leather Lungs from being an Adelaide Fringe favourite to an Australian household name.

Rating: 5 stars (out of 5)