Reviewed by: Weekend Notes
Review by Michael Genrich | 10 March 2021

Tom Weil is a cool, calm, and collected magician/mentalist who openly admits he's not a psychic or mind reader. That's what makes you want to question every illusion he performs. The thing is, depite your best efforts, you won't be able to tell how he pulls them off.

He begins by focusing the audience on the unique power of the human mind to make sense of things that are seemingly jumbled up. He asks us to think about how many choices we make each day. With this, he leaps into his show with an unassuming and disarming manner.

Choosing audience members at random to participate, he manages to stun them all with a feeling of 'how did he do that'? We know it's not magic but how does he do it? And then he does it again, and again, and again. A special feature of the show is Tom's use of smartphones and email to pull off one of his illusions. It's great to see an age old profession crossing over into modern platforms and techniques.

Each illusion comes wrapped up in a little story - his showmanship is impressive. Maybe it's the little stories that condition the audience to believe what is going on. If that's his way of deception, then it's a happy deception.
