Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Rebecca Wu | 15 March 2024
Although I enjoy seeing new talents, it always comes with a little hesitation. Fifty minutes can feel like a long time when the performance is lacking. Fortunately this evening my reservations quickly disappeared as it ended up being a great gamble to come and watch this stand up comedian. Funnily enough as Wang points out during the show, a Chinese person usually does enjoy a good gamble! Using self-deprecating humour, he skilfully highlights many other Chinese norms and cultural nuances, simultaneously exposing the shortcomings and flaws in both cultures. For example, he humorously discusses the disappointment of being a comedian from a Chinese perspective while at the same time applauding the Chinese for beating the Aussies by pioneering the use of drugs with Opium. He embeds the cultural perspectives of a Chinese mindset and what he learned by living in Australia, or from other Australians. Wang is quite confident onstage. Having previously performed as a magician during high school, comedy is his second venture into the spotlight. Perhaps this is why he has the air of a seasoned long-time performer? He even has the stereotypical bowl haircut for this show! His skill particularly lies in his timing and delivery of the humour, when in the context of storytelling and audience engagement. When engaging the audience, it is mainly in the form of general questions, rather than to specific audience members. Alternatively, he prompts us to answer questions in our heads, creating a participatory atmosphere without singling anyone out. From there, he is then able to gauge our reaction to this question, which sets up the premise, before allowing for a pause or moment of anticipation before delivering the punchline. I found this technique enhanced the comedic impact of the joke. Or was that the entirety of the joke. This style allowed for a slower pace, creating a humorous atmosphere that didn’t require quick thinking or ‘catching’ the wit. As an audience member, I could easily enjoy the show without feeling the need to think rapidly. I find that this kind of timing is great for all audiences as no comedy is missed. Wang was the winner of the Raw comedy 2023 (Vic) and a National Raw Comedy 2023 Finalist.