Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Doug Phillips | 15 March 2024
10 shows in 11 days is not an unheard of feat for performers in the Adelaide Fringe Festival. 10 shows in 11 days in 10 different towns up and down the Eyre Peninsula however, is an achievement that Marc Ryan (or ‘The Beautiful Bogan’ as he’s known), and his team should be proud of. On the bill with Ryan on Wednesday night at the British Hotel in Port Adelaide were some great local talents, including Dominic ‘Dom’ Robinson, Joshua Warrior, and the always gut-busting Gerry Masi. It was 2 and a half hours of relatable, hilarious, local comedy from guys you feel like you could have a beer and a yarn with. Robinson and Warrior both have great material, and excellent delivery at times, and it’ll be great to see them hone their craft as they polish it in the coming years. The audience warmed to both support acts quickly and it was easy to see that they both enjoyed the show just as much as the crowd. As an Australian comedy veteran, Masi hosted with all the professionalism and expertise you’d expect, and his humour is brilliantly delivered with a combination of quiet subtlety, and peak mania. Lunatic, or genius, it’s hard to say. Most people came to see Marc Ryan though. Ryan’s mission to encourage conversations about mental health through comedy lends itself perfectly to his sharing of stories from his life, garnering him (as he puts it) a community following rather than a fan base. His honest, no-sugar-coating approach allows his audience to drop their guard early and connect with Ryan in a way that many comedians could only dream of. Ryan is like a throwback to that time in Australian comedy when we produced the most loveable comedians and characters around. He encapsulates all the best bits of Australianism we’ve become globally renowned for, without the less desirable traits such as racism and apathy. And when he’s in the zone, he riffs like any of the best. The Fairy Floss & Chaos Comedy Night finishes its season at the Modbury Bowling Club this Sunday at 5pm, with a few other local Adelaide metro shows between now and then. You’ll like The Beautiful Bogan, and his show. It’s impossible not to.