"Rio 40°" emerges as a groundbreaking spectacle in the landscape of Fringe performances, a show where the vivacity and complexities of Rio de Janeiro are not just shown but felt. T
This year, the production, under the visionary guidance of international choreographer and Rio native, Talita Fontainha, took a bold leap from its previous years, offering audiences a more nuanced exploration of the iconic city. The dancers, a talented ensemble of South Australian artists who have delved deep into the essence of Brazilian culture, are at the forefront of this transformative journey, proving themselves to be not just performers but storytellers.
Through a captivating blend of high-energy dance, combined with immersive audio-visual elements, the show transcends the conventional celebration of Brazil's zest and passion. It ventures into the shadows, exploring both Rio’s highs and lows, making "Rio 40° 2024" a journey that's as enlightening as it is entertaining.