Reviewed by: Upside Adelaide
Review by Daisy Sumersford | 09 March 2024

Will Anderson sure can talk! Which translates pleasantly into a great thing for Fringe-goers! In his latest comedy offering, Wil Anderson – Wilegitimate, at the Box in The Garden of Unearthly Delights, a capacity crowd was treated to an hour of densely-packed family anecdotes, cheeky puns and hilarious cultural commentary from one of Australia’s best-known comedians.

One suspects that it may sometimes be a challenge for Wil – being a now iconic ABC TV presenter – to re-assert his position as a live stand-up comedian in the minds of his audience. However, he accomplishes this with ease and a cool disregard. Combining highly evolved live audience instincts with a seemingly effortless charm. Achieved with admirable fluency, we quickly realise that the stand-up gig is Wil’s real occupation, and the TV role merely supplemental – not the other way round.

While I’m sure that Wil workshops and curates his material extensively (which he acknowledges wryly himself at several points in the show), perhaps more than any other comedian, his material seems to be uncannily presenting itself spontaneously from the top of the dome. On top of this, there are plenty of moments of genuine ad-libbing, especially during Will’s very side-splitting (but never offensive) repartee with his audience.

Unimpeachable evidence of his surgically sharp wit and rapid-fire associative mind. A very entertaining night out with a tirelessly accomplished performer. Wilegitimate does not disappoint. So, allow yourself to be congenially charmed this Adelaide Fringe Festival and catch Wil Anderson up until the 16th of March at the Garden of Unearthly Delights.