Reviewed by: Play & Go Adelaide
Review by Claire Davill | 10 March 2024

Adventures! isn’t like most other Fringe shows, and feels a lot like a fun, family games night. The venue, upstairs at the Lost Dice Cafe, feels like a lounge room – complete with comfy couches for the audience to sit on.

Donal’s amiable nature and willingness to roll with kid’s silliness results in a fun, choose-your-own-adventure, where the kids are both the stars and the directors.

Using only a small stage and simple props, a typical hero’s quest is acted out using suggestions from the audience and the roll of  large inflatable dice to determine success or failure. Cards are also handed out to give a lucky few the chance to reverse fate!

Donal’s adequate balloon-bending skills result in the weapons needed to fight, and a trusty sidekick. When we attended, the sidekick turned out to be a snot-breathing dragon named Jerry. Other characters imagined from the kids present included Sea Captain Brown Bottom, some goblins armed with bananas, and centaurs armed with phones. Everything is up to the kids, and the result sometimes dissolves into complete silliness, with both adults and kids giggling as a result.

While the show follows the sort of Dungeons and Dragons style of role play, it’s aimed at a much younger audience and the kids delighted in being able to direct the story with their imagination. There’s no need to have a D&D background to enjoy the show, and the hour absolutely flew by.