Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Rod Lewis | 10 March 2024
The technological wonder known as Electric Dreams returns to the Fringe with a series of three audio walking tours by the Dutch Kills Theater Company. While the other two are each a single story – one set in present day and one in the future – this one is a dreamy walk down the memory lane of 19 storytellers across 20 stories and 14 locations. The concept of Whisper Walk is based on the Japanese Wind Phone in Ōtsuchi, Japan, and the final story of the tour brings us to it. That phone booth, located in a garden in Ōtsuchi, is a dead line that offers a private and serene space for someone to hold a final conversation with a lost loved one. It’s not a spiritual hoax, but a symbolic opportunity to say goodbye or whatever needs to be said. Whisper Walk is about the memories that stay with us; the moments and people in our life that resonate and remain long after they’re gone. Sometimes funny, sometimes sad, sometimes heartwarming, sometimes terrible…at each location, the storyteller reminisces about one such time or a single encounter. There’s the woman who stopped a tram for a disabled person to get on and after years of sharing the ride they finally made a connection. There’s the one who ran away with the theatre; the one where a family piano became the centrepiece of their lives until they found out it’s heartbreaking history. A man makes the realisation as an adult that a hated professor had seen his potential from the beginning; an estranged Indian man reconnects with his family after 16 years; a Scottish immigrant finds new hope when she lands in this new world in the 1800s… The text is written by Alexandra Silber, who also directs the performances. Each one runs less than 10 minutes, many under five. Asa Wember has designed a smart walking route where each destination is not too far from the last and the instructions to each are very clear. The fault is the lack of seating at many of the locations, which becomes an issue as the 60-90 minute tour creeps closer to 2 hours. For those not able to complete such a lengthy tour, it’s easy enough to skip forward to the final memory by the war memorial to hear about the Wind Phone and its connection to this marvellous adventure. A fine selection of music keeps the sound flowing as the listener walks to the next spot. Punters will need a charged up mobile phone, headphones and their electronic ticket to connect to the online tour guide. The tour can be started any time from 6am on the day of the booking, regardless of the session time booked. The login expires at midnight of that day. Whisper Walk is an intimate adventure that runs through a gamut of emotions. We are reminded of the importance of human connection, and the way places can trigger our memories. We are reminded to treasure those special moments that happen through life, and to never discount the impact a seemingly simple event may have on our lives. The voice actors tell their stories with all the heart, humour and drama that is needed to make an impact.