Review by Jarrad Jenkins | 09 March 2024

Everyone knows the galah, an iconic pink and grey Australian bird with a screeching call that echoes across suburbs and scrublands alike. Galah Galah is the nickname given to Gemma Caruana by her grandfather, apparently due to her childhood trait of always talking, much like a pack of galahs. This very nickname has become the namesake for her latest show, making its debut at the Adelaide Fringe.

I was very excited to see Gemma return with a follow up show to her 2023 debut, Underwire, which for me was a highlight of last year’s Adelaide Fringe. I couldn’t wait to see this. I didn’t even bother to read the blurb, I just booked expecting another quality show, and I wasn’t disappointed!

Gemma has taken her storytelling to another level, with a new venue of The Chapel at the Migration Museum, which has a personal link to her too. The venue is small and intimate, which really suits this show, making you feel welcomed and homely. Gemma took to the stage dressed in a stunning pink jumpsuit, bold pink earrings and eyeshadow. She embodied the galah and owns the nickname!

In Galah Galah, Gemma opens up to the audience showing her vulnerable side and delves deep into the pages of her teen diaries to draw inspiration for this show. She expertly reflects on these mind dumps, finding the funny side in some dark times of her life with two main threads; the pressure society places on young women to succeed and the mental health effects that this pressure has.

I absolutely adore Gemma’s method of storytelling, cleverly weaving in her vocal stories with photographs and videos projected on a screen with impeccable comedic timing, plus the singing and dancing numbers are great with hilarious lyrics and world class choreography! She tackles hard subjects head on and is able to get a laugh from the crowd but allows enough pause to leave you thinking to take in the impact of the joke and the weight behind it.

Gemma has put down her clarinet and opted for the help of garage band to pen some original music for this show too. From songs about teachers’ bias and wrong grades to a wild track featuring the calls of her feathered friends. Gemma is an incredible talent in so many aspects and is also one heck of a songwriter!

Galah Galah is incredibly thought provoking and eye opening, as we continue to learn more about Gemma, her upbringing and how she’s become the artist that we know today, this show tells a story that she no doubt shares with many other women. In Galah Galah, we see Gemma evolve, shed her feathers and turn into the most glam galah ever. I honestly can’t recommend this show enough!

Gemma Caruana’s Galah Galah is currently playing at Adelaide Fringe until March 17 at The Chapel at The Courtyard of Curiosities at the Migration Museum. She will then take the show to Queen Victoria Women’s Centre – Wayi Djerring as part of the 2024 Melbourne International Comedy Festival in April.
For more information and ticketing, visit: