Reviewed by: The List
Review by Hannah Homburg | 07 March 2024

She’s got the flow alright. In fact, she is somewhat of a wordsmith. Georgie Carroll brings audiences up close and personal with the true grit of nursing in this (unofficial) education session/stand-up show.

Carroll is essential for essential workers, and she has one goal for everyone else: to outline exactly how un-angelic nurses can really be. She has dealt with all manner of bodily fluids, so time to return the favour in the form of health-based anecdotes in all their uncensored glory. A self-proclaimed lyrical gangster (although with a distinct lack of song), Carroll lets us in on all the shenanigans of the night shift, the real reason why drug cupboards are now locked and meticulously monitored, and some of the whackiest objects that humans can put up various holes. The addition of Auslan in the show (also on 13 March) is welcome and makes for even more laughter, as everyone works out what we were lacking before we learned how to sign ‘perineum’. As Sister Carroll says: ‘Sometimes we’re laughing, sometimes we’re learning.’ At Sista Flo 2.0, we’re doing both.