Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Tara Forbes-Godfrey | 08 March 2021

On the outskirts of the city stands the beautiful Carclew building, but did you know that the gardens surrounding the beautiful building are actually home to fairies, trolls and even a dragon? If you answered ‘no’ you wouldn’t be alone because usually they are safely hidden from sight, thanks to a protective shielding spell held within the Fairy Queen’s crown.

That was until the cheeky trolls decided to borrow the crown and hide it in the dragon’s den. Leaving everyone visible to all the children and adults of Adelaide. But never fear, we were there to help and a fair maiden greeted us so that we could venture in to fairy village and learn how to help.

Each child was presented with their choice of magician or fairy wand before the fairies greeted us and told us how we would need to paint a colourful rock as a gift to the trolls. Once our rocks were placed on the lawn to dry, we moved on to learn a very cool magic trick.

With our rock in our hand and our magic trick well-rehearsed we headed to Troll village where the friendly trolls with brightly coloured hair placed our rocks in their streams and watched us perform our magic trick before letting us cross the bridge into Troll village. The village looked like it had just had an epic food fight but it added to the charm and excitement. Once in Troll village the friendly Trolls painted us with safety tattoos and helped us make dragon eggs to give to the dragon. They also let us find and take a gold coin to give to the dragon as he very much likes shiny things.

With everything we needed complete, we ventured to the dragon’s den where we offered our gifts and helped the Queen get her crown back. It was a lovely hour spent making items and discovering all of the extra little areas set up around the place, such as lady bug crossing and miniature fairy houses everywhere.

The dragon and his den were incredible as were the roving performers who were really engaging and attentive to the children. It was a lovely Fringe event and one that parents liked being involved in as well. There was even a little snack stand with drinks and popcorn as well as a fundraising stall with small gifts. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and would definitely attend again.