Reviewed by: The List
Review by Hannah Homburg | 05 March 2024

Timing? Impeccable. Laughter? Unquestionable. Commitment? Unrivalled. In 50 minutes of merciless stomach-muscle and cheek-bone torture, Bits Akimbo present an absolute masterclass in sketch comedy, with not a dry eye to be found in the house (happy tears, of course).

Bits Akimbo (Katie Currie, Max Paton & Douglas Rintoul) begin with a bang, paying tribute to the boot(y). Then, before you can get your bearings, you’re plummeted straight into sketch after ridiculous sketch, featuring balloon boobs, manic horses, and a sketch with a sketch competition to see who can sketch the best sketch (the aptly named Sketch Sketch and personal favourite). Audience participation is, at first, politely requested, but soon everyone is up for joining in, with characters like the tourist in Italy, two giraffes in love, and the little forest girl drawing real cackles as well as a first night standing ovation. Special mention to light and sound tech Jacinta Anderson too, whose comedic timing is just as perfect as the main trio.

Bits Akimbo are performing a service to humankind, turning mundane weeknights into one of the best Adelaide Fringe nights of the year. Unmissable.