Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Brian Godfrey | 05 March 2024
Walking up to review highly revered Australian comedian Lawrence Mooney the other night, I overheard a punter behind me say to his friend ā€œHow appropriate that Mooney is doing a show called Pigeonhole in somewhere called The Boxā€. This struck me as indeed very appropriate and somewhat ironic. Knowing the little I did about Lawrence Mooney I knew heā€™d see the irony and I wouldnā€™t be at all surprised if heā€™d planned it that way. I admit that I was a Mooney virgin, but after seeing him perform, Iā€™m now a faithful convert. The man is a sheer comic genius! Timing and delivery are everything in comedy and Mooney just sweats them wonderfully from his pores. Itā€™s as if he has come to you to borrow your lawn mower and ended up telling you tales that will have you guffawing till the cows come home. Heā€™s that natural and friendly that one feels so comfortable with him. He is the MAN!!! His latest show, Pigeonhole, apparently follows his usual pattern of telling funny, occasionally slightly ā€˜blueā€™ gags in the opening; relating stories that allow him to mime and impersonate various people and even animals (if they could speak); then lurching into about 15 minutes of very serious discussion leading to the funniest tagline of the night ā€“ and believe me, that ainā€™t easy given the number of zingers he has been throwing out for the whole hour. In this show Mooney talks about how we all pigeonhole ourselves, with him pigeonholing himself as a drunk (in the past). He throws in some great stories about his family and friends as well. If you see no other comedian this Fringe, make sure that you fly to The Box and see Lawrence Mooney, whom this reviewer has pigeonholed as ā€œAustraliaā€™s Greatest Comedianā€.