Reviewed by: Adelaide antics
Review by Claire L | 04 March 2024

Call Girls ★★★★


Hot off a smash Brisbane Fringe run, Call Girls Alexis and Ella (Lauren Harvey & Kelly Hodge) have their headsets on and are ready to take your calls now, just don’t expect customer approval numbers or productivity to be high!


Call Girls is essentially a two person theatrical comedy based on Harvey and Hodges shared trauma of years working in call centres. We are taken into the depths of a call centre at the department of roads (trigger warning, if you previously worked in a call centre this show could potentially bring about some feelings of PTSD!), which seems about as dysfunctional as the two besties themselves – party girl Alexis (yes like the car!) and overachiever Ella. We get to go behind the scenes of what really transpires in call centres – the tirade of abuse, sexual harassment, useless upper management and unmotivated staff – and this is just what happens in one day!


The chemistry between Harvey and Hodge is clear, with them bouncing off each other with the ease and banter of many the iconic comic duos, and being complete polar opposites. The dialogue is fast paced and completely relatable, especially if you’ve had the misfortune of working in a call centre, or let’s face it – we’ve all been on a least one end of a call centre call!


The biggest lesson we can learn from this show is that despite our occupation, we are still worthy and can have goals and aspirations, plus a lot of laughs along the way!


Catch Call Girls at The Church in The Courtyard of Curiosities at the Migration Museum this Fringe season.