Reviewed by: Adelaide Review Team
Review by Rick Williams | 21 February 2021

Review: Peter Goers – In Joyful Strains
Sat 20/02/2021
Peter Goers OAM, Adelaide's (older) favourite son and  Australian National Treasure, has a new show for the 2021 Fringe.
Peter's career which spans forty plus years in the entertainment industry as actor, producer, writer and radio host ensures that he has a wealth of material upon which to base his show. There is something very comfortable and familiar about Peter's presentation style as he relates many stories about his travels around our state. A style which has been honed and perfected over the many years of his successful ABC Radio Evening Show. 
The audience was entertained by a skilful raconteur who is genuinely funny and of razor sharp wit. Peter covered such diverse topics as his "floppy" big toe, through to countless anecdotes about famous actors such as Trevor Howard, John Gielgud, Judi Dench, Peter O'Toole, Robert Helpmann & Keith Michell.
The crowd of mainly older people - or pre-dead - as Peter called them, responded warmly to the non-stop humor which was punctuated mid-show by a surprise song from well known theatre trouper (and Peter's close friend), Robin "Smacka '' Schmelzkopf. Robin was born for entertaining a crowd such as this and did not disappoint. 
Peter continued for the second half relating stories about places he's been in our State of which he is not particularly fond, and the always humorous story that supports his claim. Before you knew it, the end of the show was drawing near, but Mr Goers had one more surprise up his sleeve by welcoming on stage the one and only Anne Wills.
Willsy had no hesitation in letting the audience know she is 76 years of age, dressed in a red sequined dress and matching red sequined boots, went into a masterful rendition of Broadway Baby. She's still got it after all these years.
For an hour of good old fashioned fun, this show is a must-see!
**** 4 Stars
Rick Williams  

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