Reviewed by: Kids in Adelaide
Review by Kendall Marriott, Kids in Adelaide | 03 February 2024

Not just your average dance party, Hanna interacts with the audience as she tackles fiasco after fiasco to get her party started! A high energy show, Hanna demonstrates slapstick comedy amongst circus acts like juggling and baton twirling to keep her young audience engaged!

Bring your dancing shoes and outside voice because you will be clapping, yelling and dancing the whole time! Watch your kids’ eyes light up with elation, as Hanna trips, slips and falls into your hearts! She wants this dance party to happen and so do we!

Ukiyo in Gluttony is the perfect venue for this family friendly experience as you will become a part of the show! Hanna’s costume is bright and sparkly and the music is on point, including some golden oldies like Dancing Queen for the parents and grandparents.

A great Fringe Show for young kids who love to interact, who need to move their bodies, but also includes a fun story to go with it!