Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Simon Barnett | 03 March 2024
Ex-accountant Shash Kapur presents a show that is part comedy, financial education. Billed as an educational comedy show, one might expect a series of anecdotes about financial planning gone wrong, poor business decisions and the folly of get-rich quick schemes. However, the show is instead an introduction to some basic financial planning topics that would best be delivered to students, punctuated by a few jokes with varying degrees of success. Shash is a charming and personable presenter, putting the small audience at ease quickly, before launching into his material, aided by one of the core tools of the professional world, a powerpoint presentation. Shash begins with some anecdotes of his previous life as an accountant, including his work with clients dividing assets after a divorce (unfaithful husbands – remember to request an invoice!). This is good material but unfortunately the comic payoff to this show is front-loaded. From here, the show veers toward an educational presentation covering the dangers of credit card debt and car loans, the benefits of salary sacrificing and extra mortgage repayments, and the great Australian hobby of tax deductions. But on all of these topics, the comedy returns are limited to a few one-liners, not reflecting the time invested getting there. Throughout, Shash is a generous and inclusive performer, wanting to bring the audience with him on the ride, but on opening night he was thrown by a live mortgage repayment calculation which did not work out as he planned it. From there, the show’s stocks took a downturn and while the audience remained engaged, all seemed to be trying to make the best of a questionable investment.