Reviewed by: Hi Fi Way
Review by Anastasia Lambis | 01 March 2024
Everyone’s been on the end of a call from someone in a call centre so we know how that feels but do we really know what goes on behind the scenes? Brisbane artists Lauren Harvey and Kelly Hodge themselves have had their share of experiences to tell from their time working in call centres. After sharing stories, they realised they could create a show making it their first time in Adelaide and the debut of Call Girls at the Adelaide Fringe. Call Girls is about besties, Ella and Alexis, navigating through their phone adventures and working in a online/phoneline environment for the Department of Roads. The friends couldn’t be more opposite with Ella focussed, organised and ambitious while Alexis is the party girl who prefers an office drinking session and sausage roll for a good time. As they work through the pros and cons of a job ‘on the phones’ and dealing with challenging customers, pushy bosses, boring conferences calls and the all-important practice of vocal care the audience get a front row seat to how the back end of a call centre works with some comical antics and dance routines thrown in for good measure. Harvey and Hodge have a great chemistry and bounce off each other well as work besties giving us an insight to the constraints and frustrations of daily call centre work. Call Girls is fun, enlightening and entertaining. It’s a story of call centre antics, work besties and bonds.