Reviewed by: Adelaide Review Team
Review by Stephen Foenander | 01 March 2024



Rob Carlton

Holden Street Theatres

In this beautiful old theatre at Holden Street, Rob Carlton (Silver Logie Winner) presented 4 stories about life.  He pre empted himself by explaining to the audience that he regularly gets together at home with a group of friends, who tell fabulous stories, drink wine and take food together.  

Rob is fortunately for the audience an expert story teller, consumate actor and he did win a Silver Logie for his amazing work in Paper Giants: The Birth of Cleo as Kerry Packer.  

I will not repeat the 4 stories for fear of providing spoilers, only to say that one is about family and what is ok or as discussed maybe not ok.  Secondly Rob's experience as a bullshit artist,  you know when someone asks if you can do something and without any real idea, you then profess and demonstrate your wealth of experience much to their delight.  The third story was about the loss of a relative and many, including myself had more than one tear in their eyes.  The last was of an audition that went terribly wrong because of Rob's admitted lack of any vocal talent.

Watching Rob perform felt like he was just telling me the story and I felt like he was actually only talking to me, his expressions and gestures were so real in every moment.  Meeting him after the show, was  exactly what I thought of him on stage; a warm, engaging, caring, humorous individual, who spent a considerable time chatting and having photos with all that approached him.

Willing Participant is a wonderful collection of stories told by an amazing actor.  Whilst he was definitely acting, it did not feel like that for one moment.  Rob was sometimes hilarious and other times even brought himself to tears when emotion overcame him.  The range and depth of Carlton's acting touched the many souls that came to the theatre and left us all reminded of the beauty and fragility of life.

It was an hour that this reviewer will not forget.