Reviewed by: Adelaide antics
Review by Claire L | 01 March 2024

Tash York: Love that for you! ★★★★☆


One of our favourite award winning Adelaide Fringe cabaret veterans is back at the festival this year with her new show, complete with all original music – Love that for you!

If you haven’t seen a Tash York show before you are in for a treat, York’s personality and voice is as big as her hair! Filled with self-depreciating humour, catchy songs and blisteringly strong vocals, York goes on an autobiographical journey filled with poor choices, alcohol and overthinking everything.

Backed by the scarily talented Red Red Wines (Peppy Smears & Vivian Fonteyn), we get to hear about York’s transition in her 20s from a powerful, independent call centre manager to moving back in with her parents and living off Centrelink to become a musical theatre student!

But she definitely has her life on track now (at least according to her parents!) as she’s recently married a man, but still is a proud bisexual woman. It seems though that because she is a married woman in her mid-30s, everyone is waiting with baited breath for her to have a baby. But that position in her life is already taken up by her three cats, and who can look after a tiny human when you can’t even manage to match your socks on the daily or keep a houseplant alive!?

York also shows off her impeccable improv skills by creating a song on the spot from information obtained by a random audience member. Some people read palms, others tea leaves, but to obtain her intel York reads people’s keys and turns them into song!

The most important lesson from York’s show is discovering that maybe falling in love with yourself is more important than doing what is expected of you, do whatever makes you happy, and if that’s drinking a bottle of wine at 3am before a 7am flight then so be it!

Despite the PG time slot of 6pm, this is definitely not a show for the kiddies. Grab your mates and a bottle of wine and scull along with Tash York and the Red Red Wines before the end of the season on March 3rd.