Reviewed by: Everything Adelaide/The Curious Writer
Review by Stephanie Babiak | 07 March 2021

Words by Stephanie Babiak.

When you mention the idea of the paranormal, opinions are often widespread. But whether you’re a die-hard believer or if you’re a skeptic who’s more likely to be the character unmasking the villain in a Scooby Doo episode, there’s something for everyone in the Adelaide Gaol Ghost Tour and Investigation.

The Adelaide Gaol is one of those historical gems that has always (since 1841 at least) been around, but which many locals have never taken the time to check out. Given that it’s one of the two oldest buildings still standing in Adelaide, it’s definitely something which should make your “to-visit” list. And if you’re going to take a trip down a historical lane, why not do so in the creepy dark of night?

The event is run by two highly knowledgeable guides who walk you through the prison, explaining its different buildings and history, as well as outlining the various spooky occurrences people have experienced in their time here. This can be of the historical or the paranormal in nature, as in a very typically human way, fact is often just as weird as fiction. They explain South Australia’s history of capital punishment, the alarmingly poor conditions that still existed right up until as late as 1988 when the prison was finally taken out of commission, and the various stories of the people who passed through these intimidating walls.

If the ghost hunt is the major point of appeal to you, then there’s plenty to set your hair on end. In two separate sections of the prison you’ll be able to choose a prison cell to investigate in “lock down”, where the door to your chosen cell is shut (not actually locked, don’t worry!) and you have time to try to make contact with any presence that might be lingering. The team provides a range of paranormal investigation equipment, from the technical such as EMF readers and temperature guns, right down to the more basic such as divining rods. Even to a non-believer, the experience is a lot of fun, and if you have any teens who got wrapped up in the recent popularity of the online ghost-hunter game Phasmophobia, then they’ll likely have a blast in this real-world version.

Ultimately, paranormal enthusiast or not, there is a gravity about the history of such places and the chance to visit in the nighttime really helps drive this home. As you sit in the cells, it’s easy to imagine the stories of the people whose lives were once spent here, and not just for the short time you’re visiting. The crew shares a range of such anecdotes, including some of the grim and gruesome true crimes of the past as well as the tragic and uncertain. It’s something you have to experience yourself, so no spoilers here, but true crime enthusiasts might be surprised by some of the happenings around the places we know and recognise.

The tour has something for everyone and is a brilliant and novel way to experience some of the fascinating local history we often take for granted. Whether your motivation is to try to reach out to another realm, or just to have a broader view of this one, you’re sure to have an amazing time either way.


Rating: ★★★★ 1/2