Reviewed by: University of Adelaide
Review by David Friswell | 29 February 2024

Situated in homely Ayers House Library, there is nowhere to hide for Stella Kappos and Jackson Grant, and they know it. Instant awkwardness abounds upon entry, driven in desperate small talk by Stella while Jackson hides himself behind a curtain that conceals absolutely nothing to the majority of the room. To one eye, it would be very easy to write this show off upon entry as uncomfortable and strange. However, I would invite viewers to probe deeper, as within this show lie two very funny comics who will do anything for the internet fame they simultaneously crave and malign. At first glance it may appear to need some polish, but it could also very easily be the craft these two comedians have pulled together to prove that stand-up doesn’t need confidence, it just needs to be funny. These two are clearly ones to watch for this year and future years, if Stella can drag herself away from her cubes and Jackson stops watching convicts on Youtube.