Reviewed by: Mix102.3
Review by Wade Howland | 29 February 2024

If Elizabeth in Adelaide and Fife in Scotland join as sister cities in the near future, maybe take a look in Kevin Quantum’s direction. Towards the end of his performance he throws out a half-hearted line about knives and gives it a local reference for flavour, before immediately telling us he doesn’t like that kind of banter as his home of Fife would be the punchline back in Scotland.

It’s the only half-hearted thing about Quantum or his show though, as the rest is a fast-paced hour of tricks, jokes and easy charm. Taking to the stage on a sweltering night to a modest crowd doesn’t faze him, as he works the room with confidence and a cheeky grin.

Quantum keeps his show moving with a range of tricks, telling us more than a few times he’s using the art of misdirection. But he’s always quick and assured enough to keep us impressed. How did the red ball disappear? Where did that lemon come from? And will the trusting member of the audience see their money again?

Kevin Quantum’s stage presence is warm and he’s keen for audience participation right from the start. He’s happy to bring the magic up close to the crowd, and to take the crowd up on the stage. Quick with a snappy line, he handles his own set changes through the night as AND FOR MY NEXT TRICK builds to an impressive conclusion.

His mix of magic, laughs and a sprinkle of science make the show one the kids on our night enjoyed as much as the adults. Elizabeth and Fife may never be twinned, but Scotland’s sent a very talented performer our way and he’s worth grabbing ticket for while he’s here.