Reviewed by: The List
Review by Jo Schofield | 27 February 2024
Danielle Lim's Caught In Between examines the journey of a young woman grappling with her place in the Asian diaspora living in Australia, and how she feels like an outsider in both cultures. The well-written dialogue in this memoir is accompanied by sophisticated humour and clever, non-confrontational audience interaction. There are moments when things becomes melodramatic, although that is admittedly the emotional register of many teenage girls. The audience navigates Lim’s memories as she searches for the answer to the eternal question ‘Who am I?’. This memory walk takes her to her highly critical Malaysian family, followed by a sojourn to her Australian high school where she experiences the perennial cringe moment of not feeling pretty enough before meeting a toxic boyfriend. It's heartbreaking to witness how easily people can be affected by social violence at such a young age. Learning from your past is the ultimate in self-care, so kudos to Lim for surviving to write about it.