Reviewed by: Life FM
Review by Lauren Francis | 29 February 2024
In the midst of the Adelaide Fringe, Sh!t-Faced Shakespeare's rendition of Macbeth promises a unique blend of the iconic tragedy and unpredictable chaos. The concept may raise eyebrows, but the full house proved that Sh!t-Faced Shakespeare is not one to disappoint. The show takes an entirely serious Shakespeare play and throws in the wild card of a genuinely inebriated cast member each night. The result? A raucous, riotous rampage through Macbeth like you've never seen before. While the concept might intrigue some, it's essential to approach this show with caution, especially for those with a more conservative taste in entertainment. The explicit language and mature themes may test the comfort levels of some audiences. The excessive drinking, a central element of the show, further adds to the concerns. For those with a deep love for Shakespeare, be prepared for the rendition to veer off course in unexpected and potentially unsettling directions from the original due to the unpredictable nature of a drunk actor's improvisation. While some may find the unexpected twists amusing, others might feel it undermines the integrity of the classic play. The talented ensemble of actors adapts magnificently to the random changes, doing their best to steer the scene back on track. Audience engagement reaches new heights as both actors and the crowd become integral parts of the performance. The breaking of the fourth wall, a key element of the show, is not only part of the performance but also a result of the drunk actor forgetting lines and turning to the audience for assistance. In summary, Sh!t-Faced Shakespeare's Macbeth may appeal to those seeking a daring and unpredictable Shakespearean experience. However, for a conservative audience, the explicit language, mature themes, and excessive drinking might overshadow the humour.If you decide to attend, approach with caution, and be prepared for a Shakespearean spectacle that might push the boundaries of comfort, but in my opinion it will be completely worth it. 4.5/5 explicit language 4.5/5 mature themes