Reviewed by:
The List
Review by Jo Laidlaw |
26 February 2024
There’s something endearing about Ben Hart, a magician who has steeped himself in his craft and wants to share it with his audience. HEX plays with the interface between magic and witchcraft; Hart believes we are all born into a state of astonishment and he wants us to return there whenever possible. And it works: there are plenty of audience oohs and aahs right from the very start of the set. Hart uses household objects for many of his tricks (including a spoon and a fork, doing the dishes must be fun round his) and brings in a close-up camera when needed, which certainly helps to bridge the gap between the stage and the back seats. Cards appear and disappear, salt burns, there’s a visually stunning trick involving grains of sand and a really big sum too.
Hart blurs the line between the casual approach of modern magicians with the bells and whistles of the old-fashioned showman. There’s a definite sense of theatricality and it’s clear he’s thought just as much about how to present each trick as he has about the trick itself. This, coupled with moments of genuine incredulity, makes for a dynamic and engaging performance that’s full of wonder and delight.