Reviewed by: Life FM
Review by Lauren Francis | 27 February 2024
DAVE HUGHES - FULLY FURNISHED From the opening moments, Hughesy’s use of explicit language set a tone for the show. The frequent swearing created an edgy atmosphere that might have pushed the boundaries a tad too far for those seeking a more restrained comedy experience. The show delved into sexual references and stories of intimate encounters, although offering vague details it still could have made some viewers uneasy. Despite laughter, some may find that this explicit content overshadowed the humor, making it a less-than-ideal fit for an audience with more traditional sensibilities. As Hughesy delved into his personal life, sharing anecdotes about his kids, especially his son, and recounting experiences in the public eye and on TV, the audience was treated to a glimpse into the comedians world. After delivering major punchlines, Hughesy attempted to buffer the edginess by expressing his deep love for his kids and family. However this may not have been enough to balance the more risqué elements of the performance. The first time he used this buffer technique it added to the hilarity of the joke but because he used this after every major joke it became tired and annoying. The show faced a challenge with a significant number of latecomers, potentially disrupting the experience for those who arrived on time. The comedian navigated the situation with humor, but the annoyance caused by multiple late entries could have detracted from the overall enjoyment of the show. While Hughesy's passionate but almost whiny tone added a distinct flavour to the performance, the mixed sentiment from some audience members suggests that the show might be an acquired taste. If you're up for a night of unpredictability and boundary-pushing comedy, this is one Fringe show that shouldn't be missed but if you're a comedy enthusiast with a more traditional taste, this may not be the show for you. Approach with caution and decide if this comedic adventure aligns with your preferences for a night of entertainment. 4/5 course language 4/5 mature themes