Reviewed by: See Do Eat Review
Review by Shane Berketa | 26 February 2024
One of the great joys as a parent is seeing your kids laughing. I don’t mean polite, gentle giggling - I mean the loud, uncontrollable laughter that makes their eyes water and they’re practically falling off their chair. This is what John Robertson provides in The Dark Room for Kids, a show that takes an old-school approach to gaming, in which the players must choose the correct path to reach their final destination to win the game. In The Dark Room, there are three mission goals: 1) Find the Light Switch 2) Find Your Family 3) Escape the Dark Room Sounds easy, right? Wrong. With hectic host John Robertson in charge as the head gamer, our packed-out tent couldn’t even complete the first mission objective let alone finish the game to collect the $2,000 prize money. Mr. 13 did win himself a French stick though, so I guess that’s something! Being silly and incredibly loud and having lots of fun is what this show is all about, and The Dark Room delivers in every department. Game choices such as ‘Smell the Room’ and ‘Apologise to the Wall’ are utterly ridiculous but Robertson makes it all work in a thoroughly entertaining manner. And with lots of audience participation, it’s not the type of show where children have to sit still and be quiet. Yelling loudly and constantly is not only allowed but often praised by our host. No participant leaves the show without winning a prize either. Apart from Mr. 13 winning a French stick, other prizes included: a piece of foil, a Jehovah’s Witness brochure and individually sliced gluten-free bread. There’s something for everyone! The Dark Room is an infectious show that is so uproariously absurd that you can’t help but fall in love with it. Even though we couldn’t complete even one mission everyone in the audience seemed to have a great time, with Mr. 13 and I devising a strategy on the drive home about which paths we will take when we take on The Dark Room again. Loud, crazy and out-of-control… and that’s just the host! FIVE STARS ****