Reviewed by: Hi Fi Way
Review by Anastasia Lambis | 25 February 2024
The Good Italian Girl Claudia Callisto is back with her doilies for her third season at Adelaide Fringe, this time she is Celebrating the Italian Sisterhood. There’s still big hair, big personality and big dreams but this year’s show is about celebrating and honouring the sisterhood. Callisto is the unapologetic western suburbs girl cultural storyteller making sure the daughters of not just Italian but all immigrant parents stories are told and preserved for future generations. After all they are the sandwich generation living in parallel cultural worlds; one foot in the Italian world, another in the Australian and somewhere in-between is the world of the Guissa! The show is filled with funny and relevant stories for women of that generation. Its a trip down memory lane with all the good, the bad and the funny. Important stories of growing up Italian mixed with 80s music that was the soundtrack of Callisto’s life. Music helped her dream big and songs from Abba, Bon Jovi, Olivia Newton John and more helped her get through life’s toughest moments. Celebrating the Italian Sisterhood is a show that tells the stories of Callisto’s life of defying the rules in secret but also be that good Italian girl. On one hand trying to respect her traditional Italian parents but also finding ways to live life like an Australian. It’s a show of story-telling, funny memories, disco dancing interludes and lots of doily waving! Its an adventure back in time where expectations were high, dreams were big and the her goal was to escape the parental rules and have a social life to eventually meet the ‘Mario’ of her dreams!