Reviewed by: The List
Review by Hannah Homburg | 21 February 2024
Scout Boxall is back at it again, and their promise of unflinching eye contact does not go unfounded. After 50 minutes, you will feel firmly educated on all things Formula One, Christopher Pyne, and methods for killing your Sims (courtesy of their surveying the Australian public). Turbo Lover combines Boxall’s numerous talents such as, but not limited to, musical numbers and PowerPoint presentations, weaving them into a show which is equally self- and audience-deprecating. High levels of crowd participation, while not for the faint of heart, means every show is unique and aids Boxall’s quest to find Australia’s most popular conspiracy theory. Be warned, unless you have the desire to immediately be singled out or you’re looking to learn from some quality queer comedy, don’t bring a notebook. A huge shout out must also go to Boxall’s sound and light tech, Brooklyn, who seamlessly timed complex yet entirely necessary cues to perfection. Original music is what sets Boxall apart, hilariously articulating each subject: it’s like an off-Broadway chorus shamelessly stuffed into one voice. There is no doubt that hit single ‘Worm Man’ will be double-downloaded on all streaming platforms in the not-so-distant future. Do yourself a favour, and loudly proclaim that you were there when Scout Boxall was first starting out, because comedy of this standard does not remain at $25 for long.