Reviewed by: The List
Review by Jo Laidlaw | 20 February 2024
In Initial Consult, Sydney-based Charlotte Grimmer vividly brings to life the impact of society’s obsession with diet culture and fitspiration. ‘My relationship with food is good,’ she declares at the start of her court-mandated therapy session, in a tone that will strike fear into every parent’s heart. Mind you, she’s wearing tap shoes and she’s brought her keyboard to a session where the audience plays the part of the therapist: Jennifer Melfi vs Tony Soprano this is not. The laughs build as we learn more and more about Grimmer’s character. There are some great one-liners (on spotting a book called Intuitive Eating she informs us she would read it, but she doesn’t like fiction) and she inhabits every corner of the stage. There’s a fine level of control too: just when you feel things might become a little overpowering she pulls it back in a thoughtful and skilled physical performance. But it’s when she hits the keyboard that the show really takes flight. Her original songs (like ‘Quit Your Eating Disorder Or You’ll Die Chasing a Lie’) are both laugh-out-loud funny and move both character and plot forward (apparently she’s working on a full-scale musical; this is excellent news). And she can tap too. Triple threat. Initial Consult pulls off the difficult feat of highlighting a serious message in a funny, accomplished show that’s well worth an hour of anyone’s time.