Reviewed by: AMNplify
Review by Colin Reid | 05 March 2021

Disco Wonderland playing at The Peacock tent in Gluttony at this year’s Adelaide Fringe takes its audience on a non-stop tour through the best of the Disco era’s hits.  The cast is led by Paulini and Timomatic who are backed up with a selection of South Australian talent in the form of vocalists Philippa Lynas, Mark Stefanoff and dancer Amelia Sanzo as well as a truly excellent house band that keep the music coming flawlessly.

The show opens with Lynas performing Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive” before giving way to Timomatic. They are both great but for me the star of the show is former Australian Idol finalist Paulini. She owns every inch of the stage moving gracefully in a pair very of high heels, addressing every part of the audience, engaging us all “Enough Is Enough” and “MacArthur Park” being particular stand outs. 

Timomatic’s best moments came with a medley of Jackson hits “is it hot in here” he enquired of the audience afterwards and the near full house, COVID rules ie 50% full, responded in the affirmative. It sure was, that routine tore it up!

Supporting the vocalists was the very talented Amelia Sanzo. She performed a number of routines that showcased her New York training. I’ve heard that she runs a dance school in Adelaide and clearly her students were at the show responding enthusiastically every time she showcased.

For me the only flaws in the show were around the sound and the lighting. There was an overlaid narrative that mentioned Club 54 and other things about the New York club scene but from where I sat it was muffled and not clear. I would have liked more of a narrative storyline to hold all the music together. With the lighting it was invariably purple and behind the singers rather than on them, perhaps this was trying to recreate a club’s lighting but I found it annoying. The biggest issue with the sound came when the microphone failed as the very talented Stefanoff attempted to sing whilst on the high wire aerial l hoop, it was a shame because I was really looking forward to that routine. H didn’t let it phase him but having spoken to someone who had been at an earlier performance it seemed it wasn’t the first time it had failed and really needs to be fixed.
6.5 out of 10

Catch Disco Wonderland Dancing ‘til Dawn at Gluttony until 21st March – HERE