Reviewed by: Upside Adelaide
Review by Daisy Sumersford | 18 February 2024

RITUAL made its 2024 Adelaide Fringe debut under the Big Tops splayed across the grasslands of Fool’s Paradise in Victoria Square.

Fool’s Paradise becomes its only little Cirque de Soleil inspired oasis away from the more traditional Fringe Frolics such as The Garden of Unearthly Delights or Gluttony.

When venturing over to Victoria Square for Adelaide Fringe 2024; Fool’s Paradise – you are likely to find high-wire acrobats practicing their routines and circus stunts out on the lawn for onlookers to awe. There’s also a range of treats, eats, drinks and even mini-golf and DJs to enjoy.

RITUAL is also one of the sights to behold at Fool’s Paradise 2024. RITUAL invites its audience to join in on a new Fringe Ritual of enjoying a nice cider under the sun, strolling into The Big Top and bearing witness to some incredible aerial acrobatics and cohesive circus artistry which simply demands the attention of its audience.

The daringly brave high-flying performances, the must see-it-to-believe juggling acts and Art portrayed in the style of movement of the human body is what makes RITUAL a worthy Fringe contributor for 2024.

The esoteric theme embedded within RITUAL unfortunately, didn’t quite manifest into a readable story line for its audience.

The witchcraft and sorcery were, however, a fun and quirky addition to what would otherwise be seen as more of a talent show format which certainly left its audience enchanted but lacked in enchantment.

RITUAL packs a punch! It’s chocked full of incredibly talented performers and some truly jaw dropping acrobatic feats. I think a special mention is deserved for the two Amelia’s who stunned you with what beauty the human body is capable of portraying when draped in aerial fabric and rope!

The liberated marionette that emancipated itself from its puppeteer was also a truly poetic piece of artistry that I’m certain left it’s showgoers feeling moved and contemplative.

RITUAL did a fantastic job at its first ever Fringe however, there is still a young, budding flower there that could benefit from the ritual of water and nurture in order to grow and blossom.
