Reviewed by: The Clothesline
Review by Cathy Tune | 18 February 2024

[CIRCUS ~ Acrobatics ~ WORLD PREMIERE ~ SA] 

The Peacock at Gluttony – Rymill Park, Sat 17 Feb, 2024. 

It is 14 years since Adelaide based Gravity and Other Myths formed their renowned group acrobatics company. I saw the fledgling company in its first season and have seen them a number of times since. Today, watching their new show created specifically for this Adelaide Fringe I am reminded why they have enjoyed international success – their skills are quite simply incredible.

The performance begins almost casually with the eight acrobats strolling out on stage peering out and smiling at the audience. They are here to wow us but they clearly intend to enjoy themselves too. Countless hours have been spent in gruelling practice and mastering their skillsets and routines, but having fun is also a core premise.

After a quick game to see who will begin the performance we are treated to a series of breathtaking routines where supreme dexterity, strength and balance are on display. There are moments of fluid beauty to rival many a dance company – one of the team performs a short dance in any style the audience calls out for – and the grace and timing is frequently an ode to precision.

There are no flashy costumes or make-up. Everyone is dressed in gym clothes and we are being invited to watch them working on the routines they have spent ten thousand hours rehearsing. Not everything is perfect. In fact they make fun of themselves by having a red light flash every time a routine is not perfect, and a green light flashes when they get it right! This adds another level of entertainment to the performance.

At one point two acrobats deliberately repeat the same routine about ten times to see how often they can get it right. And they don’t get it every time. This really shows us what is involved in working on these feats  â€“ the magic doesn’t happen just by magic!

Regular gasps and squeals of disbelief from the audience members behind me, and spontaneous applause from the audience throughout, reassure me that it is not just me who thinks some of the skills on display are unbelievable. This is an almost mind blowing level of skill on display and what can be achieved with a dedicated pursuit of perfection.

Gravity and Other Myths have six critically acclaimed works already and this looks like it will be another. Ten Thousand Hours is only showing for a week before the company heads off to perform in France. Get down to Gluttony quickly so you can also be amazed..