Reviewed by: Kids In Adelaide
Review by KheShan Gronow | 18 February 2024
You Are A Doughnut has been a longtime Fringe favourite in the Kids In Adelaide team, so I was excited to check it out myself, finally! It’s high energy, funny, entertaining, even educational and did not disappoint. Two teachers have been booked for a relief biology lesson – oh no! They decide to teach the lesson about the digestive system together, but soon discover they have VERY different teaching styles. (We believe the correct term these days is “pedagogies.”) We were taken through a series of songs, games shows, and cooking demonstrations to learn how the digestive system works. This show is super fun and if your kids love hearing about farts, toilets, poo, bums and vomit – this is 100% the show for them! The team from That Science Gang had our kids giggling, doing actions and calling out answers throughout the show – it was super engaging and interactive enough without the pain of seeing anyone’s precocious kids pulled up on stage (usually ours). Plus, we all learnt something! This show is suited to anyone aged 2 up who wants a good laugh, a bit of a boogie, some toilet humour and a refresh in biology!