Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Jan Kershaw | 18 February 2024
Stitches is the sixth, and possibly final, show in Tracy Crisp’s, mostly autobiographical series looking at family history and recalling how we are shaped by the events and interactions of our lives. The performance is wonderfully directed by Tracy Crisp and Maggie McGinty. Tracy is at her sewing machine as the audience enters the theatre, working on an unusual garment for her Stitch and Bitch group. This stands as a metaphor for the way we gradually assemble our own lives, piece by piece and working against all sorts of deadlines. She is a consummate writer and solo performer, holding our attention and interest with a minimal set and only a few props. The venue, Studio 166 at Goodwood Theatre and Studios, is perfect for such an intimate performance as the audience is very close to the actor. The conversational style of the monologue draws one in and when we are asked if we remember Cat or Amy or Roxanne, …you know we did a Cert III together or used to play netball…, you almost answer, … yes, of course I remember her…, because we all know someone just like her, complete with all her foibles! Setting the action of the play within the group’s competitive challenge, allows Tracy to explore a wide range of emotions and interactions – as well as the rivalry, envy, and even jealousy between the women, there is also unstinting support, friendship and even pity for the frequent runner up. As in her previous shows, the mixture of comedy and sentiment is unerring, with a rhythm that makes you laugh out loud and then makes you truly think. Not to be missed!