Reviewed by: International Times
Review by Kathryn S Kraus | 25 March 2023

Stories about people addicted to their cellphones have become a bit of a cliché. However, playwright Tess Branchflower attempts to put a new twist on the relationship between human and device with Maybe…Later. Adriana Pannuzzo assumes the role of the procrastinator, with Alex Warby as her digital enabler. The show shines a light on how an electronic device can overtake one’s life to the extreme that productive living outside the “cell” ceases to exist. The creativity in this piece lies with the decision to give the cellphone a human form. Would people make derogatory remarks on social media if they had to make them directly to someone’s face? Maybe…Later is a thoughtful piece of writing that hopefully provokes audiences to question their relationship with their devices, so they can start living in the here and now.  Congratulations to this Melbourne-based troupe for shining this warning inspirational light.